7 benefits of CBD oil and its side effects 7 benefits of CBD oil and its side effects

7 Benefits Of CBD Oil, Uses & Side Effects.

It may appear to have sprung out of nowhere but the reality isn’t so. Cannabidiol or CBD is a natural remedy that has the potential to cure many severe and common ailments. Internet trends have been all about it for the past few years. CBD and its uses have been occupying the headlines in all the media platforms too. A big fraction of the population has been put through the usage of CBDs to check its potential. There have also been endless researches and experiments taking place to determine its impact on various diseases and causes. Let’s get a brief glance at the benefits and side-effects of the CBD.

What is CBD?

CBD is an abbreviated form of the natural element called Cannabidiol, one of the active ingredients of the Cannabis. In nutshell, Cannabis (Marijuana) is actually a psychoactive drug extracted from the Cannabis plant is used for various medical purposes. CBD is one amidst over hundred of cannabinoids extracted from Cannabis. However, it is a prominent component from Cannabis, extracted from the hemp plant. Both Hemp and Cannabis belong to the same biological genera and are known as cousin plants. People often seem confused amidst THC and CBD for both the elements are cannabinoids. THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is psychoactive in nature and causes the sensation of getting high whereas, CBD is non-psychoactive in nature.

Benefits of CBD Oil & Uses

Cannabidiol has been appreciated as a remedy in a wide range of health issues. Some of the most prevalent ones include epilepsy syndromes which do not respond to other strong anti-seizure treatment methods. Not just it, medical science also witnessed CBD oils being effective in anxiety, pain, and depression. In fact, many lab experiments have successfully proved that CBD has properties to fight carcinogenic cells. Let’s take a look at some of the prominent benefits of CBD Oils.

  • Use of CBD Oil As Pain-Reliever
    The history of using marijuana (cannabis) as a source of pain relief dates back to 2900 B.C. CBD oils possess pain-relieving properties. It has been used as a cure for much devastating chronic pain. Studies claim that CBD helps decrease pain by manipulating endocannabinoid receptor activities. The combination of THC and CBD is effective in treating pain in multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and post-chemotherapy procedures. Several International Research labs are doing clinical trials to see if CBDs could be used to cure other chronic pains. 
  • CBD Oil Benefits – Reduces Anxiety And Depression
    In general, both anxiety and depression are treated via pharmaceutical drugs. These follow a wide range of side-effects alongside treatment. CBD oil posses anti-depressant qualities and has shown promising treatment against these two. Besides these, CBD has been utilized as a cure against insomnia.
  • Alleviation Against Carcinogenic Symptoms
    CBD could be a great help in treating cancer post thorough research and assessment. It is also helpful as a cure to side-effects followed by cancer treatment like pain. When treated with a combination of THC & CBD, the patients experienced higher relief compared to only THC treatment. It is also helpful in symptoms followed by chemotherapy like nausea and vomiting. CBD in numerous lab experiments inhibited the spread of cancer cells and caused cell deaths too.
  • CBD Oil work as an Acne Reduction
    CBD oil might be a great help in treatment against acne due to its sebum reduction and inflammatory properties. CBD oil actually prohibits sebaceous glands from producing excess sebum, thus preventing pro-acne agents like cytokines from forming acne.
  • Trigger Heart Health
    Besides countless benefits to the human body, CBD is also beneficial for the healthy heart and circulatory system. Studies indicate CBD is helpful in reducing and managing high blood pressure. A single dose of CBD could prevent many hearth diseases followed by high blood pressure.
  • Cbd & Calmness, Creativity And Focus
    CBD seems to be a helpful agent in the prohibition of restlessness. It is known and recommended to induce calmness and focus. Many of the CBD users claim that their creativity has been improving over time for their minds are relaxed and focused
  • Although there to be many types of research done to elongate the list of benefits from CBD oils. There are many other uses of CBD oils that can be just as promising. These include the treatment of epilepsy and seizures, reducing the effects of Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia.

Side-effects of CBD Oil

CBD oil is undoubtedly a promising element that could do wonders in medical science. There are also some side-effects possible to its users. Some of the most common ones amidst all include:

  • Tiredness
  • Weight gain/loss
  • Changes in appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Not suitable for usage for children unless severely in need
  • Dry mouth, low BP, dizziness, drowsiness (when consumed by mouth
  • Hallucinations
  • Irritability and insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Liver disease
  • Unsafe for pregnant women and breastfeeders

Is CBD Legal?

There are curiosities amidst the crowd as to whether CBD is a legal drug or not. As per FDA, the CBDs extracted directly from Hemp containing .3% of THC are legal at the federal but illegal under various state laws. While purchasing CBD products one needs to consider visiting a licensed medical practitioner. One should also keep in check that non-prescribed products are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. They may thus be inaccurately labelled.

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